Lies! Humans use them so often that more than half the time they don’t even realize what they’re doing. Lies to protect, to persecute, to reassure, to undermine, to harm and to heal are everywhere. Are all lies are bad? Is it so wrong to tell a person that they’re prettier than they are – if you love them?
Tactics are used by people on people and critically they must anticipate how other people will behave or respond. Therefore it is essential that the tactician also understands human behaviour. The great tactician out-thinks his or her opponent. Most tactics are designed to manipulate or manoeuvre other people in a way that is advantageous to the tactician.
While many pleasurable or painful things are universal, the degree to which people or groups will find them painful or pleasurable will differ. For example one person may find international travel highly pleasurable while another may find it only marginally enjoyable.